Deactivating Account

Find out how to close your account


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

We're sorry to see you go but if you want to deactivate your account, you can do so from your account settings. To access this, click the user profile icon in the top right corner of your dashboard. This should be available on most of your screens. Then, select Edit Profile and look under the Account tab of this page. 

Scrolling down, you'll see the Deactivate Account button in the bottom right. Select that, and there will be a pop-up warning asking if you really want to do this! Once you proceed, you will have to key in your account password so we know it's really you. 

After that, the account will be deactivated. If you change your mind, you can email us at [email protected] or contact us via our live chat to reactivate your account with 30 days from the day you deactivate it. After 30 days, the account is lost forever ☹️

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