Adding & Managing Attendees

Find out how to add or import attendees to your event database


Last Update 2 tahun yang lalu

In some scenarios, event organisers like you have to be able to add attendees directly into the database, bypassing the registration form. You'll be able to do so from your Default Attendee Reports, which includes the Master or any of your Ticket Class(es). Do note that you will not be able to add guests from any of your Custom Attendee Reports! 

Accessing Attendee Reports   

There are a few ways to get to your Attendee Reports but first, always make sure that you are in the correct Event Workspace!

Accessing Master Or Ticket Class Attendee Reports

  1. Event Menu: Reports > Reports Overview > Attendee Report
  2. Event Menu: Reports > Registration > Attendee Report
  3. Main Menu: All-Time Reports > [Event] > Attendee Report

Once you are at your Attendee Reports, you can choose to either add guests from your Master, or Ticket Class list, by clicking on their respective document icon to view the report. 

Accessing Master Attendee Report Directly 

There are also ways to enter your Master Attendee Report directly:

  1. Event Menu: Solutions > Communication Channel > Manage Attendees
  2. Event Menu: Solutions > Attendance Tracker > Manage Attendees 

Once you get to your Master Attendee Report, you should see an entire list of people (spanning all Ticket Classes) who have already registered for your event. If you are at your Ticket Class Specific Attendee Report, you will only see attendees registered under that Ticket Class.

If you wish to add a new attendee, you'll see that you have two options here - to add attendees individually, or to import a list. 

Adding Attendees

  1. Click on the '+ New Attendee' button
  2. Check the 'Send confirmation email once attendee is added' box (Optional)
  3. If you are adding attendees from your Master Attendee Report, select the Ticket Class to which you would like to add the attendee to load its registration form. Ignore this step if you are already in your Ticket Class Specific Attendee Report, the form would already have loaded.
  4. Fill up the form for the attendee you would like to add
  5. Click 'Add Attendee' 

Importing Attendees

If you have many attendees to add, adding them one at a time is time consuming and not feasible. In such cases, a list import will come in handy. Note that this function requires the use of a template and you can only import attendees by Ticket Class! This function also does not support sending imported attendees confirmation emails to prevent mass sending of wrong emails.

If you are in the Master Attendee Report,  

  1. Click the 'Import Attendee' button
  2. Select the Ticket Class to which you would like to import the attendees
  3. Click the 'Download Template' button to receive the excel template
  4. Fill up the excel template and save it
  5. Return to the popup where you downloaded the file
  6. Make sure the correct Ticket Class is selected
  7. Click 'Upload Completed Template'
  8. Upload the excel template you have filled in from Step 4
  9. You should see the number of attendees that were imported successfully, click 'Back To Attendees' to return to your Attendee Report  

If you are in the Ticket Class Specific Attendee Report, 

  1. Click the 'Import' button
  2. Select 'Download Template' to receive the excel template for the Ticket Class you are at
  3. Fill up the excel template and save it
  4. Return to Step 1 and select 'Upload Template'
  5. Upload the excel template you have filled in from Step 3
  6. You should see the number of attendees that were imported successfully, click 'Back To Attendees' to return to your Attendee Report.

Take note that if you upload multiple lists with duplicate guest entries, they will not be filtered out so always use a fresh template when you're using the list import again! 

Editing Attendee Details

Sometimes your attendee information might need updating. If you have enabled the 'Edit Booking' button in your Confirmation Email, your attendee would be able to update their booking details by themselves.

However, some tasks such as adding guests sessions that are already full needs to be done manually by you 🙄 Thankfully, we have made it really easy for you to do so! 

To edit attendee details, simply head to your Attendee Report and click on any field you would like to update to input the changes. That is it, literally!  

Deleting Attendees

You can also remove an attendee from your event via the Attendee Reports. Simply select the guest(s) whom you'd like to remove by ticking their respective checkboxes and then clicking the 'Delete Selected' button located on the Page Title Bar.   

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