Sending SMSes

Find out how to send reminder SMSes to your attendees and ad-hoc SMSes to any invitees or attendees


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

Here at Onlive, we support SMS sending too. You can send your guests a Reminder SMS or any other ad-hoc SMS of your wish.

First, always make sure that you are within the correct Event Workspace. You can check by looking at your event name in the Event Menu. Head over to the Communication Channel Control Panel by clicking Event Solutions > Communication Channel in your Event Menu.   

Step 1. Adding & Managing Invitees/Attendees

Composing A Reminder SMS

Before composing your Reminder SMS, make sure that you have the correct Attendees listed under your Attendee List. You can do so by clicking the ‘Manage Attendees’ widget under Manage. Find out how you can add and manage your event Attendees here.

Once everything is in order, head back to the Communication Channel Control Panel. Then, click on the ‘Reminder’ widget to compose your message. You will be asked to choose between sending an email or SMS. Click ‘SMS’ to proceed. 

Composing Any Other SMS

Before composing your ad-hoc SMS, make sure that you have the correct Invitees/Attendees listed under their respective lists. You can do so by clicking the ‘Manage Invitees’ or the ‘Manage Attendees’ widget under Manage. Find out how you can add and manage your Invitees and Attendees.

Once everything is in order, head back to the Communication Channel Control Panel. Then, click on the ‘Other’ widget to compose your message. You will be asked to choose between sending an email or SMS. Click ‘SMS’ to proceed.

Step 2. Selecting Recipients

Under ‘Send To’, select who you want this email to be sent to.

Reminder SMS

You can send this to everyone listed in your Attendee List by checking the box labelled ‘All Attendees’, or only those listed under specific Ticket Class(es) by checking only the Ticket Class(es) in question.

Other SMS 

You will see more Send To options, such as All Invitees, All Pending Invitees and All Checked-in Attendees in addition to All Attendees.


Whichever type of SMS you are composing, you will be able to send it to selected individuals (if required). To do so, check the box labelled ‘Individuals’ and then select their names from the dropdown menu. To remove a selected individual, click on the ‘X’ beside their name in the pill button above the dropdown menu. You can start typing their name to find them quicker.

Based on your selection, the number of selected recipients will be reflected on the top right of this widget.  

Step 3. Give Your SMS A Sender Display Name

Personalize the sender name that your guests will see when they receive SMSes from your event. You can do so by setting a Sender Display Name in the field under ‘Send As’. The maximum character count is 11 characters.

Do note that this function is only supported in certain countries.

Step 4. Craft Your SMS


Type the content of your message in the text field provided. To add emojis, click on the smiley face icon and select your emojis.


You can tailor your SMSes to individual guests by using variables or shortcodes. Simply click on the shortcode you would like to add to your message to add it in.

Cost Estimate

The estimated cost of one SMS is displayed at the bottom right of the text field. It is estimated based on the number of characters used in your message. If you have used shortcodes however, the final cost might differ from the estimated cost as shortcodes are based on dynamic data (i.e. different guests have different names of varying lengths).

Remember to save your work periodically by clicking the ‘Save’ button. 

Step 5. Send / Schedule

Sending Your SMS

Once you are happy with your creation, simply click ‘Send’ to send it out! Your SMS will be added under the SMS Log in the Communication Reports where its status should show either ‘Sent’ or 'Bounced'. 

Scheduling Your SMS

To send out your SMS at a later date or time, click on the clock icon beside the ‘Send’ button. A popup will appear where you can set the timezone, date, and time whereby you’d like the SMS to be sent. Click ‘Schedule’ once you are done. Your SMS will be added under the 'Scheduled Messages' section in the Communication Channel Control Panel until it is time for it to be sent. 

You can still delete your scheduled SMS before it has been sent out. To do so, simply click on the trashcan icon! 

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