Managing Attendee Reports

Find out how to create and manage custom attendee reports


Last Update 2 years ago

During event planning, there are often many different stakeholders who should have varying degrees of access to attendee information. We included a way for you to generate custom attendee reports so that you can tailor that information for your intended audience. 

Accessing Attendee Reports   

There are a few ways to get to your Attendee Reports but first, always make sure that you are in the correct Event Workspace!

  1. Event Menu: Reports > Reports Overview > Attendee Report
  2. Event Menu: Reports > Registration > Attendee Report
  3. Main Menu: All-Time Reports > [Event] > Attendee Report

Default Attendee Reports VS Custom Attendee Reports

By default, the Master Attendee Report and Ticket Class Specific Attendee Reports have been generated for you. You will not be able to change their permissible actions, but you will be able to add or import attendees here. Default Attendee Reports cannot be deleted. 

Custom Attendee Reports are simply those that you or your collaborators have created. The permissible actions (export, edit, delete) for each custom report might vary, but it is not possible to add or import attendees from here. Custom Attendee Reports can be deleted.   

Viewing Attendee Reports

To view an attendee report, hover over it to reveal the hidden action icons. Clicking the document icon will allow you to view the report within your browser without downloading it. 

Creating Custom Attendee Reports

Aside from the default master and individual ticket class attendee reports, you can generate your own list and edit their permissions and manage their accessibility.

To add a custom attendee report, click on the 'Custom Report' button.

Step 1: Selecting Ticket Class 

Give this report a name for you to identify it by and select the ticket class you want this report to show. Do note that the reason why you cannot select more than one ticket class for a single report is because each ticket class might have its own custom form with different fields.

Step 2: Setting Permissible Actions   

Next, you can choose the actions that are allowed or disallowed to be taken within this custom attendee report by toggling the following switches:

  • Allow deletions
  • Allow exports
  • Allow editing

Step 3: Managing Users

You can manage the users who have access to this custom attendee report by adding them under 'Who Can See This'. Note that all users added here will be able to perform the actions allowed in the permissions above. To find out how to add and manage users, check out this article.

Step 4: Selecting Form Fields 

Select the form fields that you want included in this custom attendee report by checking the boxes next to those fields.

Step 5: Adding Internal Fields (Optional)

An internal field is used if you would like to add additional information that was not included in the registration forms. Common examples of internal fields are Group Names, Table Numbers, Comments, etc.

Click 'Add Internal Field' to summon a popup where you can give a field label to, then click 'Add Field' to add it to your custom attendee report. 

Step 6: Creating The Report 

Once you are done with all the steps above, click 'Add' to create your custom attendee report. It will show up as a row together with the existing list of all other attendee reports. 

Editing Details Of Attendee Reports 

You can return to edit the name, ticket class, permissions, viewers, and fields of your custom attendee reports anytime by hovering over the report in question to reveal the hidden action icons, then clicking on the pen icon.

Downloading Attendee Reports

To download an attendee report, hover over the report in question to reveal the hidden action icons. Click on the download icon.

Deleting Attendee Reports

To delete an attendee report, hover over the report in question to reveal the hidden action icons. Click on the trashcan icon to delete it.

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